Продукти за mercedes c 220 d (4)

Рулца от лук

Рулца от лук

The cut, dried, leaves of Allium schoenoprasum. Green rolled leaf particles. Characteristic – fresh/mild onion/garlic aroma and taste. Product Group:Spices & Herbs Category:Herb Type:Whole Nature:Natural
Кардамонови шушулки подправка

Кардамонови шушулки подправка

Cardamom pods spice Product Group:Spices & Herbs Category:Spice Type:Pods Nature:Natural
Етерично масло от бергамот

Етерично масло от бергамот

Bergamot oil essential oil Product Group:Ess. Oils & Aroma Chem Category:Essential Oil Nature:Natural
Лаврови листа

Лаврови листа

The dried, ground and steam sterilised leaves of Laurus nobilis. Greyishgreen free flowing powder. Typical and characteristic; clean, fresh and aromatic. Product Group:Spices & Herbs Category:Herb Type:Ground Nature:Heat Treated